Hi Madhav,
Instead of writing the logic at End routine level... you can create a variable on 0PLANT of type customer exit with selections and ready for input enabled.
- Create customer exit variable
- selections as single value
- Ready for input enabled
implement the below logic in CMOD.
DATA range_text TYPE RANGE OF rstxtmd.
DATA s_text LIKE LINE OF range_text.
DATA s_plant TYPE /bi0/tplant.
DATA t_plant TYPE TABLE OF /bi0/tplant.
DATA l_s_range TYPE rsr_s_rangesid.
s_text-sign = 'I'.
s_text-option = 'EQ'.
s_text-low = '*TOLL*'.
APPEND s_text TO range_text.
INTO TABLE t_plant
WHERE txtmd IN range_text
AND langu EQ 'E'.
LOOP AT t_plant INTO s_plant.
l_s_range-sign = 'I'.
l_s_range-option = 'EQ'.
l_s_range-low = s_plant-plant.
APPEND l_s_range TO e_t_range.
This code is fixed only for plant text which had TOLL in its text. In future if you have requirement to execute a report for different plant text then you need to modify your code.
Really strange requirement, why is that business looking for such report in reverse manner.
Check with business why can't they pass the plant key values to execute the report.