I have created a BW query with a customer exit variable which gets the current user name and runs the query just for that user.
I have intergated this query into a Dashboard, so that the user will see customised results.
The variable is mandatory but not ready for input, as I don't want to change it at any point while running the dashboard, so there is no prompt in the dashboard. So far, so good - it's working fine, getting the name of the user on the fly and running results for that user, no problem with that.
However, I want to display the value of that variable, so that the user's name is displayed at the top of my report.
Any ideas how I can achieve this? Note that there is no Prompt, which I could bind to my worksheet, unless I make the variable ready for input. I don't want to make it ready for input because the Dashboard will then hardcode it. The customer exit only works if the variable is not ready for input.
And another question, which I hope someone will be able to answer. I have a fiscal period variable, which is ready for input, so that the user can enter whichever month they want, using Query Prompt Selector. However, although I can see the correct value in the Query Prompt Selector e.g. May 2013, when I want to insert this value into my worksheet to use in some calculations/headings etc., the value that is being displayed is "Period 00/0000". Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Many thanks!