I am so sorry, to bring this up again:
After last time we did need to do a point in time recovery a few transactions before the fatal stuff, it seems to be we are stuck at the same point:
- Database Version now is 7.6.06 Build 027-123-248-897
- We again have a bad index:
ERR 53000 B*TREE Index Root 13709821
- There was a transaction using this index which made the DB crash with SIGSEGV
As soon as we now try to get into db_online the evil transaction seems to be read from the log
Rst 968 redo transactions readable and 32 redo tasks available.
Restart recovering log from log_volume from IOSeq: '71017143'
Log normal end of log found at off 764391 lastseq 71018647.
Log last-redo-read empty errlist#3245:TR973675497(7)[71018647]@764391.864'Commit':20140607:164721
DBSTATE Caught signal 11(SIGSEGV)
COREHAND ABORTING due to signal 11
So again now way to drop the bad Index or start the DB ...
Just to make sure: I know we need to move to 7.8 soon, but a DB that can not be started any more is the worst case scenario with all data being lost. Just to make this report contain some facts, here is (part off) the stack:
eo670_UnixTraceStack +0x01ad
eo670_CTraceContextStackOCB +0x0009
eo670_CTraceContextStack +0x0017
en81_CrashSignalHandler +0x00e8
__restore_rt +0x0000
_Z20bd400_DeleteSubTreesR17cbd300_InvCurrentR11cbd600_Node +0x0109
_Z16bd400DropInvTreeR17cbd300_InvCurrent +0x0370
bd03ReleaseInvTree +0x013e
bd01destroy_file +0x0233
b01pdestroy_perm_file +0x00d9
_ZNK14Log_ActionFile13RemoveGarbageER18tgg00_TransContextR20SAPDBErr_MessageList +0x02f4
_ZNK14Log_ActionFile7ExecuteER18tgg00_TransContextNS_13ExecutionTypeE +0x039c
_ZNK14Log_ActionFile4RedoER18tgg00_TransContextR10Log_IImageR20SAPDBErr_MessageList +0x000
SpaceReaderR20SAPDBErr_MessageList +0x008b
tSpaceReaderRN31Data_ChainSplitSpaceForwardReadI12Rst_RedoPageE8IteratorER20SAPDBErr_MessageList +0x0ae1
_ZN15Log_Transaction4RedoER20SAPDBErr_MessageList +0x02e5
_ZN22Rst_RedoTrafficControl11ExecuteJobsEiR18tgg00_TransContextR20SAPDBErr_MessageList +0x
_ZN16SrvTasks_JobRedo13ExecuteInternER13Trans_Context +0x0100
_ZN12SrvTasks_Job15ExecuteDirectlyER13Trans_Context +0x006d