Hi Gurus.
I need select data from VBAK with key Vbeln (VBFA has value then i can use your vbelv i think) then with VBAK-BSTNK and VBAK-KUNNR i goin to select data from KNA1 , only field ADRNR , then i going to ADRC table with field ADRNR like key, then i could select CITY1, STREET, HOUSE_NUM1, HOUSE_NUM2, CITY2, POST_CODE1 e CITY1.
1- I know that tables has many data then i need advices for a good performance. suggests is welcome.
2- If i write any thing wrong please tell me .
3-If anybody know any key that i don´t write please tell me.
4-If anybody know other way .suggests is welcome.
Thanks comunitty for help.