Hi experts,
I install SMP3.0 SP3 with Sybase ASE 16 on Windows Server 2012 R2.
However, the SMP service fail to start.
I tried to restart the server and re-install SMP already.
The SMP service still cannot start.
When I look at the log file.
"58 of 86 tracked bundles have initialized"
The server shows this message again and again.
Please help.
2014 09 25 06:17:40#+0800#INFO#System.out##anonymous#SMPServerStatusManager###SMPServerStatusManager: 58 of 86 tracked bundles have initialized. |
2014 09 25 06:17:50#+0800#INFO#System.out##anonymous#SMPServerStatusManager###SMPServerStatusManager: 58 of 86 tracked bundles have initialized. |
2014 09 25 06:18:01#+0800#INFO#System.out##anonymous#SMPServerStatusManager###SMPServerStatusManager: 58 of 86 tracked bundles have initialized. |
2014 09 25 06:18:11#+0800#INFO#System.out##anonymous#SMPServerStatusManager###SMPServerStatusManager: 58 of 86 tracked bundles have initialized. |
2014 09 25 06:18:21#+0800#INFO#System.out##anonymous#SMPServerStatusManager###SMPServerStatusManager: 58 of 86 tracked bundles have initialized. |
2014 09 25 06:18:32#+0800#INFO#System.out##anonymous#SMPServerStatusManager###SMPServerStatusManager: 58 of 86 tracked bundles have initialized. |
2014 09 25 06:18:34#+0800#ERROR#org.osgi.service.log.LogService##anonymous#org.eclipse.virgo.medic.log.osgi.OSGiLogServiceListener@76845081###Bundle org.eclipse.osgi_3.8.1.v20120830-144521, SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.agentry.core <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.configuration.persistence <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.general.igwfilewatcher <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.lcmservices.webapps.http <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.online.supportability.changeanalysis <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.admin.jaxrs.agentry <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.admin.jaxrs.kapsel <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.admin.jaxrs.security <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.admin.jaxrs.server <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.applicationimportexport.nativehandler <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.foundation.admin <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.notifications.http <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.applicationimportexport.wrapper <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.notifications.blackberry <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.online.admin.common <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.proxy.connection.pooling <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.coreservices.appsettings.odata <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.notifications.handler <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.online.statistics.util <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.proxy.connectivity.onpremise <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.proxy.core <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.security.config <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.connectivity.configuration.file <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.connectivity.configuration.impl <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.connectivity.destination.http.api <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.connectivity.destination.http.impl <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.connectivity.impl <-- Issue
SMPServerStatusManager: 2014 09 25 06:18:34.200 Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: com.sap.mobile.platform.server.security.admin.impl <-- Issue
2014 09 25 06:18:42#+0800#INFO#System.out##anonymous#SMPServerStatusManager###SMPServerStatusManager: 58 of 86 tracked bundles have initialized. |
Tags were edited by: jitendra kansal
Tags were edited by: jitendra kansal