Hello Leszek,
You have to create a program to do what you want.
Please, refer my code. This could help you:
*& Report ZPFM_TEST
report zpfm_test.
parameters p_id type rswr_data_id.
data lv_rawdata type xstring.
data lv_string type string.
select single xdata from rswr_data into lv_rawdata
where id = p_id.
lv_string = cl_bcs_convert=>xstring_to_string( iv_xstr = lv_rawdata
iv_cp = '1101' ).
write lv_string.
The write has a limmitation of 72 char, but you can see the content (if you want) on debug mode.
Just set a break point in the end of this code and check the structure lv_string
I hope it helps.
Kind regards,
Edward John