Hi Nabil,
All 3 are different error with different cause
for the CRASH purpose check below threads
SAP Business one client crashes
SAP B1 client crash (unhandled exception)
SAP Business One Crash with dump file on 8.8 Windows 7
SAP B1 Crash when printing/preview cystal report/form
SAP Business one Always Crashes ie it creat a dump on the first login
for database connection breakup check these
Database Disconnect Error in only one client System
B1 client get "Database disconnected" randomly
client SAP B1 is disconnected of the databases several times
for document series error
To generate this document first define the numbering series
Error message; first define the numbering series in the Admin module
'To Generate this document, first define the numbering series in the Admin
To generate the document, first define the numbering series
"Define the numbering series in Admin module"
hope these threads are helpful.