I am trying to create a batch, using FM BAPI_BATCH_SAVE_REPLICA.
However, it's not able to.
Here is what I am passing:
Material = 000000000084105900
Batch = 0000009991
Plant = 0663
batchattributes-prod_date = '20150202'.
batchattributesx-prod_date = 'X'.
Class Allocations
CLASS_TYPE = '023'.
OBJECTKEY = 0000000000841059000000009991 (material & batch combined)
I am not passing in the characteristics, since we don't need any except for the production date.
The production date is passed in the attributes.
From the return, I am getting an error message with the following:
Class type 023, object type MCH1, object 0000000000841059000000009991
Class type 023, object type MCH1, object 0000000000841059000000009992