Dear Nagaran,
I already created the query as below
SELECT DISTINCT T1.[AcctCode],T2.[U_C_Release] as [Job No],T0.[JrnlMemo], T0.[DocTotal],T2.[NumAtCard] as [JCT No] FROM OPCH T0 INNER JOIN PCH1 T1 ON T0.[DocEntry] = T1.[DocEntry], ODLN T2 WHERE T0.[U_C_Release] = T2.[U_C_Release] AND T0.[DocDate] >= [%0] and T0.[DocDate] <= [%1] AND T1.[AcctCode] = [%2]
U_C_Release is my UDF for OPOR, ODLN and OPCH.
How to combine table OPOR for display docnum and JDT1 for display TransId, Ref1 and Ref2