Hi--I am trying to create an alphanumeric number range for Territory Management in CRM. I need to create 4 ranges to do the following:
Range From To
2-digit 00 ZZ
3-digit 000 ZZZ
4-digit 0000 ZZZZ
5-digit 00000 ZZZZZ
So for example I could have any of the following combinations:
2-digits: 3-digits: 4-digits:
01 001 0001
0Z 09Z 090Z
A0 A09 A9ZZ
AZ A9Z A999
I know they need to be "external ranges" and by viewing other discussions it seems that the range should be "aa to zz" but after I create one range, I'll get an "overlap" error when I try to create another (ie, I can create "aa to zz", but I will get an error if i try "aaa to zzz". Do you know how/if this can be achieved?