I have a question about audit data in BI4.0 SP5.
Event Type = Edit (Event Type ID 1010) is recorded twice when I create a document.
Does anyone know why?
1. I created a new document.
a. Login the BI Launch Pad.
b. Applications -> WebI Applications(Rich Internet Application).
c. select e-fashion universe.
d. select Year object ->Run query.
e. Save this document(with new name).
2. After, I checked a audit data using a Audit-MSSQL.unx.
3. I selected Event StartTime,Event Id,Event Type,Action Id,Event Type Id.
4. It showed Event Type = Edit (Event Type ID 1010) 2 times in same time with defferent
Event Id and Action Id.
Event Start | Event Id |Event | Action Id |Event Type
Time | | Type| | Id
12/9 1:00:00| 6758586512627171687|Edit |CgCwUG76sk9HmwzhhjjLpZsc6f | 1010
12/9 1:00:00| 6758586512627171688|Edit |CgCwUG76sk9HmwzhhjjLpZsc73 | 1010
5. I Added Event Detail Type and Event Detail Value.
6. It showed same size, same Universe ID, same Universe name in each event_ID.
Event Id | Event Detail Type| Event Detail Value
6758586512627171687 | size | 0
6758586512627171687 | Universe ID |UnivCUID=aaaaa
6758586512627171687 | Universe name |eFashion
6758586512627171688 | size | 0
6758586512627171688 | Universe ID |UnivCUID=aaaaa
6758586512627171688 | Universe name |eFashion
Does anyone know the reason?