Re: RAR 5.3: Upload Mitigation Controls in Mass
Hi Arham, Can you check RAR - SP level?If, I remember correctly then at SP10, there is an option to import and export mitigating controls. But be careful with the file format which you need to import,...
View ArticleRe: bapi
Hello Krishna, Use the function module BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE, CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE' EXPORTING salesdocument = r_salesdocument order_header_in =...
View ArticleSAP SCM
Hi I am looking to learn the SCM module for SAP since I have not used SAP before. Can someone recommend a book I can use and where I can get aused copy if possible ? My email is
View ArticleRe: Webdynpro - FPM Dialog box - pass data
Hello Arnab, I was searching for the same question when i came across this thread. Doing some analysis i got the answer. I am not sure its helpful to you as the thread is from year 2012. For your...
View ArticleRe: Reg: No enries in SID table of attribute of a Master data info object
Did you activate the data after loading the data. Can just create a Test Query on your Character and execute the report, Check the SID values.
View ArticleRe: how show groups header on each page programmatically
Hi, I am using Visual Studio 2010 and I am trying to access this setting, but unfortunately unsuccessful. Does anyone know how to programmatically set this option? Plus, I have a group inside subreport.
View ArticleAdobe Document Services Error : 405 - Method Not Allowed
Hi guys After Upgrading a JAVA System from NW 7.01 to NW 7.4, I'm experiencing this error when opening url http://server:port/AdobeDocumentServices/Config Error:...
View ArticleRe: Adobe Blank Page issue
The issue has been solved and it had to do with the invisible fields after the empdetails form causing the blank page.
View ArticleRe: Bonus wage type exempted if IT0210 status is exempt
I did a little bit more research, just wondering which tax combo should be considered?? I have the state and FED.. which one should be considered regarding this issue?Thanks
View ArticleCost Center-Functional area Field not editable
Hi, When user is trying to update the Functional area in GL master data the Functional area in cost element is not updated automatically. However when tried to update manually in Cost element the...
View ArticleSbo Mailer doesn't send email.
Hi Experts, I write to you this time because I got a problem with Sbo Mailer, I've some alerts and it actívate once a day, this alert has a query and I configured each user to receive the alert every...
View Articleis-u rate category facts and billing scheme
Hi Rate category having Billing scheme and Rate category facts.Please let me know during billing,on what basis both( Rate category facts and billing scheme) will trigger. and what is...
View ArticleSAP Crystal Report 2011 Against SAP CRM
Hello, Can anyone let me know whether and how I can create reports against SAP CRM using crystal reports 2011. Thanks in Advance.
View ArticleRe: Unable to pack
SAP is looking for an entry in table T342, if it cannot find one according to the selection then this error is issued. The code is in program MLLVSFOR does this error come up in a standard transaction,...
View ArticleOverflow Printing
We are using preprinted checks and they are placed in printer in sequential order. There are cases where there are enough line items that printing goes on next check destroying the setup and also...
View ArticleProcess Control Configurable Subscenario Change Log Check
Hi, I am trying to create a Business Rule to monitor change log of table T001. I created the Data source with Configurable Subscenario and table T001 and selected all fields as I want to monitor all...
View ArticleSyclo - Replace client object in transaction making non key attributes null.
We have created an object Substation with a string propertyId as the key. And have created a Edit type transaction for the Substation object with key property Id, with only update steps which will run...
View ArticleRe: Report Picks the Wrong Paper Type When Viewing or Printing
Hi Don, I can make the samples work if I keep the print dialog, but I cannot make the samples work without the print dialog.The printer is a Kyocera Taskalfa 3050ci. It supports custom sizes, and has...
View ArticleRe: Logic Script - calculating Accounts with BAS()
Ok, If you have no records for INC accounts, then the code: *WHEN ACCOUNT.ACCTYPE*IS INC... will not write anything to target and what you see is the previous value!No records - no writes! But the code...
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