Hi Experts,
I am creating Good receipt purchase order. When posting i got the error message - "Account xxxxxx requires an assignment to a CO object".
For this I read on the forum that I need to check that we need to check the cost object in OKB9.
So i am trying to use user exit of CO substitution (for CO validation) with following conditions:
1. Check EKPO-BSTYP = 'F'
THEN assign CO as Order = EKKN-AUFNR (Order)
3. If EKPO-KNTTP = N (network)
THEN assign CO as Network EKKN-NPLNR AND Activity Number
4. If EKPO-KNTTP = K (Cost Center)
THEN assign CO as Cost Center = EKKN-KOSTL
5. If EKPO-KNTTP = A (Asset)
THEN assign CO as Cost Center = EKKN-PRCTR
Still i am getting the same error. Please guide me anyone for this issue.