SAP Performance poor
Hi Team, We have upgraded our ECC 6.0 EHP5 to ECC6.0 EHP7 once it is done , system performance is too slow. While using tcodes db02 , sm37 , st04old , then certain specific tcodes. Also smlg...
View ArticleRe: Can't install ASE16 on windows platform
I had the same problem with SAP ASE 15.7 sp110, I try upgrade to 15.7 sp130, I fixed when I activated .NET Framework 3.5.1 Features in Windows Server 2008 R2 and restart Windows. Error: Solution: Just...
View ArticleRe: Fiori Timesheet Approval
Hi!,Looks like some upgrade issue and might be related with actions in launchpad designer.Pls have a look below link.Fiori: Error Frontend Leave Request Thanks & Regards,Madhu
View ArticleRe: Integration between HCM HANA (On Premise) and SuccessFactors using PI
I think the problem with your customers is that they associate the different HANA offerings as being the same thing. But, strangely, SAP HANA Cloud Integration doesn't actually run on HANA, so even if...
View ArticleRe: How to get the Heading for desciption coloumn of the employee
I agree with Ranganath,That is a very good option simple and efficient. Regards.
View ArticleAccount XXXXXX requires an assignment to a CO object in MIGO
Hi Experts, I am creating Good receipt purchase order. When posting i got the error message - "Account xxxxxx requires an assignment to a CO object". For this I read on the forum that I need to check...
View ArticleRe: Identify documents that are reversed through a custom program
Hi Joseph, I additional what Eli said, researching by BKPF table, you can fill with tcode used. JPA
View ArticleRe: Assigning action class to business process steps - GTM
Can you please advise the detialed solution? We have created new action classes however when assigning the the business step combination an error gets returned stating that the class is not allowed.
View ArticleRe: How to load a Menu dynamically associated with a MenuButton
Hi Joe,When you look at the source code here: via debugging ;-), you can see that it uses sap.ui.unified.Menu...
View ArticleRe: Master Data Hierarchy Data Load Error after the migration from 7.0 to 7.3
Hi Dharma, Are you extracting from an SAP source system (if yes, which release and SP level)? Is your data flow still 3.x or migrated to 7.0? What does exactly go wrong during debugging? What SP level...
View ArticleSAP SRM cFolders
I am trying to activate cFolders in SRM. Does anyone know if in SRM 7.03 using the NWBC as the front end if I can use cFolders? Is it required to have the portal in order to have cFolders? Is there...
View ArticleRe: Can any one explain me why the DSO activation is faster in Hana data base...
Pratap, in BW on traditional RDBMS, the data need to be moved from the database server to the applications server(s) in order to get activated. This creates a lot of network traffic and overhead in...
View ArticleService PO quantity should not exceed service PR quantity (URGENT)
Dear Sapians, I really need your help with this issue , we have a service PR which was generated from PS and now we are converting it to a PO . the problem is the system is allowing me to exceed the...
View ArticleRe: Is there any BODS function to get last year data...???
Hi ,, I tried it but its not working...
View ArticleRe: Is there any BODS function to get last year data...???
Hi Dirk, Its not working... Abhi
View ArticlePS automaticly generated service PRs should comprise WBS not Network
Dear Sapians, I would like to ask your advice , the PS generated service PRs Only comprises Network in the account assignment , and the network number is not understandable in the service Entry sheet...
View ArticleRe: How to create a Step which contains nothing but a program exit
Looks like you have created this workflow just for mail sending and this WF is triggered using FM 'SAP_WAPI_START_WORKFLOW'. You can set the elements in WF container right before the trigger. Refer to...
View ArticleRe: Custom field update in VBAK table
Hi Andrei Yeah, i tried that option, but it doesn't get triggered after the sales order is generated. Thanks
View ArticleRe: iDoc receiver channel - multimapping error
Eng, Thank you for letting me know. I was not aware of this (did not think about the solution given by you). I was mistaken, sorry. All, Please ignore my above response.
View ArticleRe: tab merging
Thanks for the reply Tamas. The error message is : "At least one check box should be selected" In previous screen I have to enter order number.While pressing enter the control goes to the screen in...
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