Dear Sapians,
I really need your help with this issue , we have a service PR which was generated from PS and now we are converting it to a PO . the problem is the system is allowing me to exceed the quantity approved in the PR and this means no control , we can put any quantity without limits in the PO service tab .
After investigation and search , I found out that there is an Error that can be activated SE438 " Quantity & exceeds target quantity & for the purchase req. by &" but it is not working . is there any badi or user exist to activate it.
This is regarding services , for materials it is covered using Error 06 076 "Materials of requisition & item & alr. ordered in full "and system handles it perfectly , the point is it is affecting the services Purchasing as it is checking between EKPO and EBAN .
Consider the case , you create a po for services , the quantity in the main item is always 1 (EKPO quantity) , at the service tab you enter the actual quantities (ESSR quantity).
if you created two service POs for the same PR , system will prompt "Materials of requisition & item & alr. ordered in full " regardless the quantities in the service tabs , because it only considers the quantity in the main item (EKPO) which is 1 , the first PO used the quantity 1 in the PR , so any newly created po will exceed the limit as it checks between EKPO and EBAN , it should check quantities on ESSR Level.
waiting for your answers and thanks in advance.