Re: Make a parameter a table type.
Hi Elena, You need write any special statements for passing values to the parameters.Once the value is assigned to the parameters, it holds the assigned value. If you are facing any error, kindly post...
View ArticleRe: Error during installation phase when upgrading from oracle 10 to 11g
Like I have said in the other thread you need to first delete the contents under /oracle/SID/11203 and start the installation as described in the Oracle upgrade...
View ArticleTo prompt the user to enter two different values one for the month and one...
Hello, I'm currently using Crystal Report 8.5. After refreshing the report, I would like the user to see the attached pop up window to enter two values one for the month and one for the year. Please...
View ArticleHow to locate the user id of user which created a Business Partner Master...
Hi everyone, First post on here, on a number of occasions I have found either the answer to or a steer towards when facing a issue, hopefully someone can help with this question. I'm working with SAP...
View ArticleRe: Cannot create application on the cloud
Hello Siraj,please check the host on previous wizard page. It should be Best,Dobri
View Articlehow to calculate the cumulative sum with certain interval in SAP HANA
Hi Experts, I have a scenario in which I have a column with Boolean values and need to calculate the cumulative values in the interval where there are consecutive ones as mentioned below, ID...
View ArticleRe: Taxcode and List of customer/ supplier using B1WS
Hi Team, My reason is basically memory issues and the API not releasing it (all) in particular when the query crashes: I can handle it with SQL direct connections, much more difficult with DIS; this is...
View ArticleRe: Configuring WEB Client Interaction Center for call centre
Hi I am still very confused on this.I am having a meeting with Avaya guys.Still trying to figure out what to ask them.What i have understood from all the blogs i read is- 1.Need a connector for Avaya...
View ArticleRe: Cannot create application on the cloud
Your question was not related to the discussion in the thread where you've posted it, therefore it has been branched to a new thread. Please start a new discussion in such cases in future. Also, get...
View ArticleFile Transfer from SAP to Non SAP system through SFTP
Hi All, I am new to SAP BASIS and I have a requirement to propose a solution regarding both inbound and outbound processing of IDOC from ECC system to a non ECC system by using SFTP as the file...
View ArticleRe: Unable to install SAP Fiori Toolkit in eclipse kepler.
Me too , in Eclipse JUNO i hav just install .More details , Operating System Win 8 64b .
Hi, Please help me where can i find the media files if i what to download IDES.What are the media files to be downloaded. OS: 1. Linux RHEL 64 bit 2. Window server 2008 R2 DB: Oracle 11g
View ArticleRe: Cannot create application on the cloud
Vladimir, Thanks for the information about scn rules of engagement and for creating new thread. WBR, Siraj
View ArticleRe: Unable to delete request from DSO
Hi, You can delete request from DTP monitor screen. Make that request red from this screen then delete button will be enable on the screen. This button will delete the request from DSO/ Cube....
View ArticleRe: Send FM results to a mail adress
Yes Amine, It is possible with that FM. * Mail Body DESCRIBE TABLE lt_objtxt LINES l_tab_lines. READ TABLE lt_objtxt INTO lrec_soli INDEX l_tab_lines. lrec_doc_chng-doc_size = ( l_tab_lines - 1 )...
View ArticleBC-SRV-GBT Change Changeability to Default „505 – Changeable“
I am sending the Change Management Master Record via SAP Mail to an other SAP user in SAP ERP 606.The other user get this mail with the attachment of the Change Management Master Record but is not...
View ArticleRe: Hello All
Hi,Which are these fields ? I mean what is their name/code.May be it won't be necessary to enhance anything.Regards, Leszek
View ArticleRe: Extended memory has negative value
Hi Better you can upgrade the Kernel & DBSL patch to 353 or Kernel 7.21 release changes RegardsSS
View ArticlePlan-Driven procurement.
friends, Need a little help. I am performing the configuration of Plan-Driven Procurement. EHP7 for SAP ERP 6.0 and SAP SRM 7.0 FOR EHP3. Submit purchase requisitions ECC to SRM. I believe that...
View ArticleRe: Extended memory has negative value
Thank you SS for quick reply !!We are in plan to upgrade SAP release but i will try to upgrade it to 353 Also can you please let us know why you suspect the kernel ?ThanksShradha
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