Re: Jumplink to Analysis for OLAP
Hello Bertrand The link Tammy posted is the right direction but it is not the complete answer. To link from one AOLAP workspace to another AOLAP workspace requires the use of RRI and OpenDocument....
View ArticleGUI hierarchy ouput with tree Model
I'm tryingto representa hierarchy.For example table kna1The hierarchyisdefined as follows:Hierarchy Column:Land-1->KunnrExampleHierarchy Column I regio I teflxIndia -->Customer 1 -->...
View ArticleMDM stops all instances on host
Hi, we are running MDM and SRM based on NW 7.03 in a linux/oracle host, and when we stop MDM using: sapcontrol -nr 04 -function StopSystemsapcontrol -nr 05 -function StopSystemsapcontrol -nr 06...
View ArticleRe: SAP Business One -> Online Help Config
Eduardo, Please Go the panel control, program and Features / SAP Business One Server press right click and select "Change", next Press Modify in "Select Features " select Help Lenguage do you need
View ArticleRe: Total number of users on SCN
As for contributors (members with >/= 2 points) there were 236,000 as of 12/31/2013.
View ArticleRe: PO 7.31 upgrade
Are you sure it is 1.6.0?? If you are on 7.3 i think it should be SAP JVM/JRE > 6.1 However I don't think you need to update the run time.. PAM still shows the SAP JVM 6.1 for 7.4 Updating SAP JVM...
View ArticleProduction scenario
Hi all,The business in legacy system is such that they have only 1 work center although a product could be produced in 10 Production lines.All 10 production lines have same machines, with same cycle...
View ArticleCross Tab report Page Numbering Issue
Hi, I have a report using crystal report 2008 when i select field it is incresing horizontally and not increaisng into a new page how to make this into a new page
View ArticleRe: BCM didn't come up after OII configuration
Hi Ahmed, Sorry for the delay in response. Please see the latest Installation guide. Here is the relevant information: The servers where Chat Portal or Integration Interfaces package is installed...
View ArticleRe: Setting default user options in client-install
Hi Cecilia, Modify all settings as you want them in your client. \%userprofile%\AppData\Local\EPMOfficeClient\EPMClientPreference.xml(path might be different depending on installation)The specific...
View ArticleRe: Batch Status Keys
I think I know now to what you referred.There is actually a field ZUSCH called status key in table MCHA.And if you press F1 for this field in SE16, then you get even a help that says you can further...
View ArticleRe: BCM didn't come up after OII configuration
Hi Ahmed Also, I asked about IIS 6 in addtion to IIS 7. Both IIS 6 and IIS 7 are required for OII to work properly. Thanks, Marcus
View ArticleRe: Mass upload of Label Data in Material Master
Dear Ravi as Kannan: many companies use own code to do so; but I belive "ALE" might be an option (I im not the expert there; but you can distrbute the Label View per ALE; therefore using ALE you should...
View ArticleRe: TO Quantity > Delivery quantity
SAP by itself will create the TO with the quantity mentioned in the delivery. If your users create TOs with a higher quantity, then they change it manually. Have you asked them why they are doing it. I...
View ArticleDeficit pallets
hi friends, in my company we are facing some problem when receiving pallets some time it showing deficit materiel? why is it showing like that?
View ArticleRe: In case of bookmarks.Hash routing not working with SAPUI5
Hi Shawn, Excellent thank you. Your example is surely working.But I tried to code following the guidelines in developers guide (below...
View ArticleRe: Is there is any BAPI/FM/LSMW for BOMBOS Interface?
Dear Srinivass Kannan is right; but why can you not use Cg37? Here you have a user interface to populate the data; and if you drill down you can see how it is designed. But you need to pay attention....
View ArticleRe: File attachment in Extended Notification
Michael,For your situation did you add attachments that were already added to the workitem itself? Or are you creating an attachment on the fly? I have a requirement to add a spreadsheet to the...
View ArticleRe: VL31N pulling items already I/R
Hi, You can control it using the item category configuration. Go to 0VLP transaction and select the item category ELN (Inbound Delivery) and go to details. Here, maintain the check quantity...
View ArticleDoes FCC and ASMA work together?...
Hi All, Scenario: PROXY to FILE Msg_Type---->Row---------->Field1---------->Field2---------->Field3 In messge mapping I concatinated filename with currentdate and again concatinated to file...
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